Breakfast in Bed

Ohh the luxury of creating a sweet dish and hopping in bed to enjoy it over an episode of Gossip Girl. This is the life.

The hardest decision of the day already occurred at approximately 7:59am when deciding which yogurt flavor to choose. Sticky date won after much contemplation. It has a butterscotch taste, which I totally accept.

I topped my yogurt with a piece of the granola bar I made yesterday (it stuck together better than I thought it would!!!), along with almonds, a crumbled gingernut cookie and cinnamon. The granola bar was a perfect pairing with this sticky date flavor.

This, my friends, was an extraordinarily sweet bowl of yum. My kinda breakfast: creamy, crunchy and definitely passable as a dessert. Perfection at its finest.


Last night I went for a very long walk and it was fabulous. Going on walks is like…my favorite thing ever. It’s exercising in the most relaxing form (although I power-walk like no other). It’s still soothing to me; smelling the different scents of nature, looking at the beautiful flowers and avoiding weird-looking Australia bugs. Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking in the sweet smell of summer rain.

The weirdest part of my walk was the butterflies. Literally, there were butterflies stalking me and circling me the whole time. It was really cool but also very scary at the same time. I kept thinking, “WTF is going on…!?” So weird.


Before my walk, I had some din!

Sautéed lentils, cannellinis, zucchini, onions, tomatoes, basil, salt, pepper, EVOO.

SO simple yet very delectable. I’m not a lover of cooked tomatoes, but I threw them in very last with the basil to slightly cook them. This is something I’d like to make again. I threw this together unexpectedly (LOVE when it actually works out & tastes great).

If you make something like this – top with parm. Cheese makes everything better and trust me, if I had it I’d use it. Especially on dinners like this.


Happy Weekend – Cheers!

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